Bosilkovtsi is a village in North Bulgaria. It is located in the Municipality of Byala, District of Ruse.

The Village of Bosilkovtsi is located only 9 miles away from the Town of Byala12 miles away from the Town of Polski Trambesh and 40 miles away from the City of Ruse. The village is also 28 miles away from the Town of Svishtov35 miles away from the City of Veliko Tarnovo58 miles away from the City of Pleven135 miles away from the City of Varna and 157 miles away from the Capital City-Sofia.

The village has electricity, water supply and a couple of shops. There is a post office, a community center, a church and shops. The nearest education and medical centres are in the neighbouring Town of Byala.

The population is approximately 610 people.

Tourism and natural landmarks:

– One of the most beautiful places east of the village is Chantlaka – hilly, covered with ancient pears and lush vegetation, it has always been often visited by nature lovers;

– The Bosilkovtsi dam of the same name – located in the land of the village;

– The village is located near the Yantra River. The river is very suitable for fishing. There is a fishing school. The river is convenient for kayaking as well. The part suitable for this sport starts from the town of Byala and ends in the mouth of the Danube River.

A book about the history of the village has been published – “Bosilkovtsi. Chronicle of one beautiful village”, which the author presented to the Historical Museum in Ruse. The author has taught history in the village for many years and has collected materials for her book. The book traces the history of the village, its location and political life.

Until 1934 the village was called the village of Chatma.