The village of Katselovo is located in the eastern part of the Danube plain, in the Municipality of Dve Mogili, District of Ruse. It is about 27 miles south-southeast of the City of Ruse, 24 miles east-northeast of the Town of Byala, 20 miles northwest of the Town of Popovo and 15 miles east-southeast of the municipal center Town of Dve Mogili. Nearby are the villages of Gorsko Ablanovo, Karan Varbovka, Ostritsa, Svalenik, Cherven, Garchinovo, Tserovets and others. Katselovo is located north of the Cherni Lom River, and in the southwestern part of the village – nearby to the fishponds on the right bank of the river.
The population in the village is approximately 587 people.
The village has a town hall, a community centre, a church, a kindergarten, a health service, a post station, a petrol station, shops and pubs.
Tourism and landmarks:
- Only 1 mile west of the village, in a park area, there is a monument of the Russian soldiers who died during the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-1878 in the area of Katselovo and the Village of Gorsko Ablanovo;
- The “St. Marina” Monastery – only 7 miles away from Katselovo. It was founded in the time of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom and is located in a beautiful area and pine forest near the village of Karan Varbovka, therefore it is also called the Karanvarbovski Monastery. This is the most famous monastery with a ayzmo (sacred spring) in Eastern Bulgaria, which is dedicated to St. Marina. St. Marina Monastery is a place that has preserved legends of the past and people’s belief in good. The current church of monastery was built in 1890. In its centre is the holy spring (ayzmo) which is shaped as a well, with stone steps, fenced with iron railing. Here is the only mineral spring in Rousse District. Most people gather at the monastery on July 17, the Feast of St. Marina. Every year in June in the area of the monastery there is a folklore festival “Living Water”;
- The Archeological Reserve Medieval Town of Cherven– is situated on a high hill in the canyon of the Cherni Lom River at the Village of Cherven and only 7 miles away from the Village of Katselovo. Ruins of big Byzantine fortresses from the VI century are preserved. The small settlement left continued its development and during the period of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom it transmuted into big town of Cherven, one of the leading military, administrative, economic, religious and cultural centers in the country;
- The “Orlova Chuka” Cave–only 1 mile north of the village of Pepelina and 17 miels away from Katselovo, in the rocky gorge of the Cherni Lom River. It is one of the most interesting caves in Bulgaria. Since 1963 it has been declared a natural landmark, and since 1978 it has been an archaeological monument of culture of national importance.