The Village of Gorno Ablanovo is a village in northern Bulgaria. It is located in Municipality of Borovo, District of Ruse.
The boundaries of the village are as follows: to the east – the Village of Ekzarh Yosif, to the south – the Village of Obretenik and the Village of Beltsov, to the west – the Village of Batin and to the north – to the Danube River.
It is 27 miles southwest of the City of Ruse, 13 miles from the Town of Borovo, 35 miles from the Town of Svishtov. The village is located approximately 170 miles to the capital City of Sofia and 137 miles to the City of Varna.
There is regular bus transport to Ruse and the surrounding settlements.
The village of Gorno Ablanovo is located about 6 miles from the Danube and Yantra Rivers.
The village is favorable, extracted from the water, and is built of communication networks. There is partial sewerage.
It has rich sources of underground water and in many houses there are wells. There are also several stone springs that never get dry.
Population numbers approximately 926 people.
The village has a town hall, a post office, a health service, a primary school, a church, community center and shops.
The Church of “St. Demetrius” in the Village of Gorno Ablanovo was built with voluntary funds of the local population, in a place where there was a Christian cemetery.
In 1976 the present kindergarten was built with funds donated by Ignat Kanev, a prominent building contractor in Canada, born in the village of Gorno Ablanovo.
The picturesque coastline of the Danube River near the village of Batin (5 miles) provides wonderful opportunities for recreation near water, for sport fishing and for watching animals and birds.
The waters of the Yantra River are preferred for kayaking.
Lovers of exotic animals can see such in the zoo in the center of the Village of Ekzarh Yosif (5 miles).
The second largest cave in Bulgaria “Orlova Chuka” is about 16 miles away in the Village of Pepelina.