Petokladentsi is a village in Northern Bulgaria. It is located in the Municipality of Belene, District of Pleven.

The village is located in the Danube plain, about 13 miles away from the Town of Belene15 miles away from the Town of Svishtov, 16 miles away from the Town of Levski, 36 miles away from the City of Pleven and 20 miles away from the Village of Ovcha Mogila and its SPA springs. The capital city of Sofia is 135 miles away from Petokladentsi. The village is located near the Osam River.

The population is approximately 313 people.

There is a town hall, a community center, a post office and shops.

On a hill near the village is located one of the few menhirs in Bulgaria. Its height is 2.20 m and represents a rough stone block without any treatment with a quadrilateral shape, tapered at the top. This pagan monument was revered as holy by the Christians and was renamed Praviya kamak.